hey THERE.

I’m Elizabeth and I love flowerS!

MY LIFE IS FULL OF FLORALS AND i want to share theM with you.

ABOUT Elizabeth Annie

I have always loved flowers—but I never planned on becoming a floral designer. The “plan” was to go to law school or get a Ph.D. in History. Floral design was something I did for friends and family who were celebrating their important life events. It was a creative outlet that brought me joy but I never imagined it could be a career. It seems the universe had other plans for me. I decided to turn my hobby into a business—and I haven’t looked back since.

Huff and Bloom Floral Co. opened in 2020 as a boutique floral design firm—the culmination of many years of self-taught floral arranging and a love for creating beautiful art through flowers. I still get a thrill each time a delivery goes out or a bride sees her bouquet for the first time. Being a part of someone’s special day and designing the flowers that will tell their story is a dream come true.

When I am not arranging flowers, you can find me painting, gardening with my hubby, or cuddling with my dogs.


how can I make your flower dreams a reality?


Photo Credits: Onyx and Opal Creative Co. | heather heigel photography